Rush Royale is a tower defense-style competition where two players must face off never-ending waves of enemies, each trying to out-survive the other. In Rush Royale, towers are replaced with warriors and wizards that you can combine and level up.
The gameplay in Rush Royale is very simple: assembling your armies (the tower equivalent) will cost luck points that you can earn by destroying enemies. Though the assembly of armies is completely random, the good thing is that you can combine two armies of the same type to create even more powerful ones that you can then keep combining and leveling up.
The main game mode is PvP, where two players can battle in roughly two to three-minute duels, to see who can survive the most enemy waves. However, there is also a cooperation mode, where players can join forces to fight a common enemy. Both game modes are equally as exciting.
Rush Royale is an excellent, well-developed tower defense game with over a dozen different armies for you to collect and level up as you earn cards. The game also has a very charming visual esthetic.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 7.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
Is Rush Royale free?
Yes, Rush Royale is completely free to play, but there are in-app purchases through which you can buy special items and equipment worth between €1.19 and €119.99 per item.
How many leagues are there in Rush Royale?
Rush Royale has 16 leagues in total. To move up through them, you'll have to get trophies that you can obtain by winning games. Every time a new season starts, you'll have compete again to climb to the top. The seasons in Rush Royale last 28 days.
How many game modes are there in Rush Royale?
Rush Royale has two main game modes, the PvP mode and the Co-Op mode. However, new events start every week where you can enjoy new modes in which you can test your tactical skills.
How big is the Rush Royale APK?
The Rush Royale APK takes up about 200 MB. However, when you start the game for the first time or after an update, you'll have to download extra data that will add to the total file size.
the game is great and also fun if you had to choose I would choose this 100%
I love this game